jjk ь я тебя очень люблю и хочу тебя обнять тебя крепко и нежно нежно и страстно поцеловал меня и не знаю как ты думаешь я тебя очень люблю и хочу тебя обнять тебя крепко и нежно нежно и страстно поцеловал меня и не знаю как ты думаешь я тебя очень люблю и хочу тебя обнять тебя крепко и нежно нежно и страстно поцеловал меня и не знаю как ты думаешь
Hi, Maggie! I'm so glad to hear from you! Thank you very much for your letter! You asked me about our weather. Well, it is still very cold here and though it is already spring, there are no flowers and the trees are not green as it is very cold. How is the weather in your city? School here is as boring as you described. Tests, tests all the time. But I try to get good marks anyway as I want to pass my exams well. Sure, I have to work hard but I hope it;ll help me in my future. So I completely agree with your parents that you should work harder. And not only with the subjects you like but with all the rest as well.Sorry for my short letter, but I really have to go now. I have some extra classes and my teachers are waiting for me. Write back as soon as you can, I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Hope it'll get better with your studies. Love Igor.
Natural World in Danger We have never seen a dodo. The last of these large birds that couldn’t fly died many years ago. Now it is extinct. A lot more endangered species – fish, reptiles, insects, birds and mammals may disappear. The reason is man who kills animals and destroys their habitats.
It is not just animals that are in danger. So are plants. Every day we use paper and cardboard. We use different kinds of wood in furniture and in other ways. Every year over 100000 sq.km. of forests on Earth can be destroyed. This includes rainforests in South America, Africa and Asia. The huge forests help to control the world’s weather and to produce much of the oxygen in the air. There are many illnesses which we still can not cure. It may be that the medicines we need will be discovered in wild plants, in savannas, in deserts or in rainforests.
If we won’t our lives to be healthy and interesting, a lot of other creatures and plants need growing space too.
jjk ь я тебя очень люблю и хочу тебя обнять тебя крепко и нежно нежно и страстно поцеловал меня и не знаю как ты думаешь я тебя очень люблю и хочу тебя обнять тебя крепко и нежно нежно и страстно поцеловал меня и не знаю как ты думаешь я тебя очень люблю и хочу тебя обнять тебя крепко и нежно нежно и страстно поцеловал меня и не знаю как ты думаешь