Вы находитесь на отдыхе в городе, в вашей стране. напиши письмо своему другу, рассказывая ему/ей о вашем празднике. напишите: где вы находитесь , что погода, как, что вы делали вчера, что вы собираетесь делать завтрамогу дать модель по которой можно легко составить такое сочинение: hi (здесь имя друга)! i am in (место) with my parents now. we're having a good time here. (ну а дальше все зависит от того где вы отдыхаете. допустим, вы отдыхаете на море, тогда примерно так: ) i like to swim in a sea very much. yesterday i swam all day! now i am on the beach writing a letter for you. today i am going to learn how to wind surf. i really enjoy sea! bye for now,(твое имя)
Carlson and the baby boy was in so kind relations, they played all days, then baby boy family was came to home from they work, and Carlson just disappeared by his 'technical wings'. This friendship is example for other people, cause it was very strong friendship. Friendship there Carlson tried to keep baby boys calm, flying for him to all days for playing and destroying his bedroom, ate his birthday pie and baby boy was helped to friend when he was ill. I think this is surprising that little boy and man who was 'in sunrise his force' was keep the strong friendship.
1. Jack must take his umbrella.
2. We have to take a taxi now.
3. We must stand up in this place.