-What would you do if you found 100 euros in the street? -I'd like to pick them up. -What would you live if you could live anywhere in the world? -I'd like to live in ... <--- (Название любой страны на английском)
One day a fisherman on the aral sea sailed home after a day's work.it was rain and he did not have a very good day and did not catch very many fish.suddenly he heard a strange noise.a cow flew towards his boat! the cow hit the boat and nearly destroyed it.when the fishermen got back home people did not believe his story.then some time later the usa air force has showed that the fishermen has told the truth.while one of their transport planes flew over the aral sea a cow on the plane have gone mad and the pilot has throwed it out the sea.
(A) 1/What had she won an English language competition? 2/ What was there that really spoilt her impression? (В) 3/ Is your roommate not going to accept all your "nice and lovely" habits and support you in every situation? 4/ What does the law of coexistence mean? 5/ Do you have to earn your roommate's friendship and any good feelings he or she has for you?
(С) 6/ It is great fun to have a roommate, isn' it? 7/ Does it meas that you can do whatever you want and not only what your parents want you to do? 8/ Don't you see what the trouble is if you keep some of my clothes out of the wardrobe and on the sofa or even under it? (D) 9/ May you may think that it's not easy when there are so many people with different personalities around you? 10/ What did they even work out a list of rules that helped avoid quarrels?
-What would you do if you found 100 euros in the street? -I'd like to pick them up. -What would you live if you could live anywhere in the world? -I'd like to live in ... <--- (Название любой страны на английском)