I. Analyze the following sentences and point out cases of secondary and implicit predication and comment on the ways of their expression. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. I guessed her to be about twenty-two or three. 2. She must now imagine herself to have been his first great influence and inspiration. 3. With rage and hatred in my heart I finished. 4. He sat with his coffee undrunk. 5. I had seen Mr. Kellada vehement and voluble before, but never so voluble and vehement.
II. Point out the means of expressing secondary modality in the sentences. Comment on the modal meanings of these means and their pragmatic value.
1. “It was an accident!” “It must have been”. 2. I am afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave. 3. I suppose you wouldn’t know whether the land about there was freehold? 4. “I don’t think for a moment that you are in love with you husband. I think you dislike him. I shouldn’t be surprised if you hated him. But I’m quite sure that you’re afraid of him.
III. Analyze the sentences and comment on the ways of expressing negation in them. Differentiate between the types of negation and its grammatical and pragmatic value.
1. I don’t suppose she would like to be reminded of it. 2. “Aren’t you Doctor Page’s new assistant?” “That’s hardly the point”, he answered stiffly. 3. At that moment I did not entirely dislike MrKellada. 4. He was too weak even to move a finger. 5. The Medici did not live in a world fuller of intrigue.
Более-менее вынужденные артикли для Вас поставил. Если задание заключалось в САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОМ нахождении мест для артиклей в предложениях, то ответ, по-моему, должен быть таким:
1.) I don't like reading romantic novels. The romantic novels in read were rather silly.
2.) I hate wearing formal clothes. The formal clothes I wear are always black.
3.) I dislike eating spicy food. But the spicy food I had in India was just to my liking.
4.) They say that European cities are polluted by cars. The cities we visited in Germany weren't polluted, air was fresh and clean.
5.) people usually think that babies are sweet. The babies I took care of were constantly crying.
6.) Sorry I'm late. I took a wrong bus.
7.) A/(-) captain of a ship welcomed passengers on a deck.
8.) We don't know how old the Universe is.
9.) Duke Street? We live in the same street.
10.) The lion is King of jungle through it lives on plain.
11.) An/(-) invention of the wheel was a great step in the development of the transport.
12.) You shouldn't ask questions, if you already know answers.
13.) Paris is the capital of France.