с английским Compare the prices of the different services. Use the phrases in the cloud.
e.g. The cost of a perm is greater than the cost of a wash and blow dry.
cheaper than more expensive than
greater than less than
1 The cost of a perm/ a wash and blow dry.
2 The price of a hair cut for men / the price of a hair cut for women.
3 The cost of a wash/ the cost of a hair cut.
4 A new style / a blow dry.
2. Breakfast, lunch,dinner,afternoon snack,dinner.
3. Fat Caesar, chops, salad, roasted Turkey.
5. Meat,fish,potatoes,pasta.
6. Fry
7. Of eggs,greens , milk.
8. With milk.
9. The chips are too thin and hazardous,and the chips thick and less harmful.
10. The tea party. An afternoon snack.
11. Orange, tangerine, Apple, gooseberry, coconut.
12. Boil, braise, spicate.
13. Appetitethe
14. Да,конечно.