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1. Translate the text verbally and answer the questions:

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Sunday sharply criticized President

Donald Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic, arguing that the federal

government has not done enough to ramp up production of life-saving medical

supplies like masks and ventilators and asking the president to deploy the military

across the country to help in the public-health crisis.

“The president of the United States is from New York City and he will not lift a

finger to help his hometown, and I don’t get it," de Blasio said Sunday on NBC’s

“Meet the Press.”

"I don’t get it. Right now, I have asked repeatedly for the military to be

mobilized, for the Defense Production Act to be used to its fullest to get us things like

ventilators, so people can live who would die otherwise," he continued. “If the

president doesn’t act, people will die who could have lived otherwise — senior

citizens, folks who are members of families.”

De Blasio, who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination last year, said the

president should order all military personnel with medical training to deploy to hot

spots in America and to help the country ferry ventilators to them.

“Why are they at their bases? Why are they not being allowed to serve? I

guarantee you they are ready to serve, but the president has to give the order,” he


The comments sparked a back-and-forth with Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland, a

Republican, who said that looking backward is not productive.

“I don’t think just talking about what was done wrong yesterday or last week or

last year is really that helpful in the discussion,” Hogan said.

“We are getting some progress. Now, it’s not nearly enough, it’s not fast enough,

we’re way behind the curve,” he said, adding that the unified effort is making

progress on getting respirators, masks and tests.

“It’s not a perfect situation, but we are trying to ramp up, order things on the open

market, get some things produced here. It’s going to take the federal, state and local

governments all stepping up and doing whatever it takes regardless of who is

supposed to do what,” he added.

De Blasio countered that “it’s not about blaming people for what happened in the

past,” but said he’s trying to sound the alarm on ways he feels the response has been


He specifically pointed to the Defense Production Act, a federal law that allows

the federal government to push business to ramp up production of certain products to

protect the nation. Trump has said he would invoke the act “in a worst-case

scenario,” but Democratic leadership has called on him to do so now.

“The American government is not at full bore right now," the mayor said. "The

Defense Production Act, it’s been activated. We’ve gotten no indication of any

factory on 24/7 shifts, we’ve gotten no shipments and the U.S. military is at its bases

instead of at the front lines."

“We cannot be gentle about this point — right this minute, from this minute

forward, our federal government needs to be in this fight instead of on the sidelines.”

FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor told "Meet the Press" that his agency is

shipping supplies daily across the country and that states would get reimbursed by the

federal government if they bought important supplies on the open market. He went on

to call the Defense Production Act an “insurance policy” and a “lever” that hasn’t

been flipped yet.

“We haven’t had to use it yet. Will we have to use it? Maybe. But right now, this

is what makes America so great — every company pitching in to make sure we can

beat this virus,” Gaynor said.

There are at least 26,747 confirmed coronavirus cases in the United States,

according to data analyzed by Johns Hopkins University, as more than 80 million

Americans are living under stay-at-home orders.

The New York State Department of Health reported 10,356 positive

coronavirus cases in the state as of Saturday afternoon, and the Maryland Emergency

Management Agency reported 190 confirmed coronavirus cases.

Around the world, Hopkins reported, there are almost 312,000 coronavirus cases

globally, while more than 13,000 people have died from the virus and almost 94,000

have recovered.

1) How did Bill de Blasio react to President Donald Trump's response to

the coronavirus pandemic?

2) According to Bill de Blasio what should the president do?

3) What law did he specifically point to?

4) How many coronavirus cases are there in the USA?

2. Determine the Tense and Voice of the underlined verbs.

3. Transform the direct speech into reported speech:

1) “Why are they at their bases? Why are they not being allowed to serve? I

guarantee you they are ready to serve, but the president has to give the order,” he


2) “The American government is not at full bore right now," the mayor said.

3) “It’s going to take the federal, state and local governments all stepping up and

doing whatever it takes regardless of who is supposed to do what,” he added.
5. Define the main idea of this text (3-5 sentences).

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Ithink that this profession is difficult and very difficult. if i were a teacher, i would first of all find an approach to students and become their school friend. for this, sometimes instead of lessons i would go with them to the theater or to the cinema, as well that the weather was good, i would have had a lesson outside. at the lessons i would not swear at them if they did not understand the topic, i would stay with the student who did not understand after the lessons and explained again. probably, in my lessons there would be a place and jokes, humor (of course, within reasonable limits). i would like to be a fair and strict teacher. a good estimate must really earn. but if the child deserved the top five, i would put it with pleasure! also, if i were a teacher, i treated all children equally and i wouldn’t have pupils whom i respect very much and give good grades because they go to a letter. i would like to say about parents' meetings. there i, as a teacher, would first of all try to inform moms and dads in the good features and deeds of their children. in turn, they could also tell about the positive aspects of their child, which should be developed. in general, i would like to be a teacher who loves his work and love children
4,4(45 оценок)

the olimpic games returned to our lives in 1896. organized them the french nobleman pierre de coubertin. they were successful. the olimpic games are held every four years. the main idea of the games is to make friends all the people. it is the great honor to become an olympic city.

in 1980 moscow joined the family of olympic cities. the xxii olympic games in sochi were a great successful too. millions of people are watching them all over the world.

the times has changed, but one thing isn't never changed the winners of the olympiad become national heroes in their countries.

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