Nowadays, you can see a lot of homeless people in the streets of many cities in many countries. These people are very unhappy. They are homeless. They do not have home and very often they have no family, they don't have good and warm clothes. Moreover they are usually hungry and have no money to buy food. I believe that other people should help homeless people. There should not be so many poor people anywhere. In my opinion it's a very serious problem. All people rich and poor need a cozy home, warm clothes and plenty of healthy and tasty food. Сегодня на улицах многих городов и многих стран можно увидеть много бездомных. Эти люди очень несчастливы. Они бездомные.У них нет дома, и очень часто у них нет семьи. У них нет хорошей и теплой одежды. Более того, они обычно голодны и не имеют денег, чтобы купить еду. Я считаю, что другие люди должны бездомным. Не должно быть так много бедных людей. На мой взгляд это очень серьезная проблема. Все люди, богатые и бедные, нуждаются в уютном доме, теплой одежде, в здоровой и вкусной пищи.
Nowadays, almost in every office or every student have a correction pen. Bet Clair invented it. She worked as a secretary in the office and made a lot of mistakes while writing the text. She started painting her mistakes with white paint. Then she made a batch of correction pen and gave it to her coworkers. Bet named her invention "Liquid Paper" and decided to open her own factory. In 1968 her factory produced more than a million of "liquid paper" and in 1979 GILLETTE bought from Bet her company for 47 million $
she asked if that film was about police and crime