i would like to spend the first summer month in the country, at my grandparents’. my friends and cousins will be waiting for me there. i miss them so much. we shall go fishing, sunbathing, swimming, horse-riding and playing football. and i’m going to help my grandparents about the garden. so i will be outdoors all the time.
i can’t wait for july because our family will travel to the seaside. we shall stay in a rented house for 2 weeks. i really enjoy the clean air and the beautiful scenery with beaches and mountains near the warm sea. i am going to swim and dive a lot. and i want to try the national cuisine, rich in fruit, vegetables and fish.
as for august, i would like to stay in the city and spend the time with my friends walking around, going to the cinema and cafes, playing computer games. my dream is to sleep as much as i like and to do what i like. i will ride my bike, go skateboarding or roller-skating in the park.
я бы хотел провести свой первый летний месяц в деревне, у бабушки с дедушкой. мои друзья и двоюродные братья будут меня там ждать. я скучаю по ним. мы будем ходить на , загорать, купаться, кататься на лошадях и играть в футбол. и я собираюсь бабушке и дедушке работать в огороде. поэтому все время я буду находиться на открытом воздухе.
не могу дождаться и июля, потому что моя семья отправляется на отдых к морю. мы будем жить в арендованном домике в течение двух недель. мне нравится чистый воздух и красивые пейзажи с пляжами и горами возле теплого моря. я буду много плавать и нырять. и еще я хочу попробовать национальную кухню, богатую фруктами, овощами и рыбой.
что касается августа, я бы хотел остаться в городе и провести время со своими друзьями, прогуливаясь по улицам, посещая кинотеатры и кафе, играя в компьютерные игры. я мечтаю спать, сколько захочется и заниматься тем, чем захочется. я буду кататься на велосипеде, скейтборде или роликах в парке.
че нет)?
вот, держи:
kazakhstan, officially republic of kazakhstan, has the population of 15,186,000 people and territory 2,719,500 sq km, is situated in central asia. it borders on siberian russia in the north, china in the east, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, and turkmenistan in the south, and the caspian sea and european russia in the west. astana is the capital and almaty (alma-ata) is the largest city. other major cities include shymkent, semey, aktobe, and oskemen.
kazakhstan consists of a vast flatland, bordered by a high mountain belt in the southeast. it extends from the lower volga and the caspian sea in the west to the altai mts. in the east. it is largely lowland in the north and west, hilly in the center (kazakh hills), and mountainous in the south and east (tian shan and altai ranges). kazakhstan is a region of inland drainage; the syr darya, the ili, the chu, and other rivers drain into the aral sea and lake balkash. most of the region is desert or has limited and irregular rainfall.
the population of kazakhstan consists mainly of muslim kazakhs and russians; there are smaller minorities of ukrainians, germans, uzbeks, and tatars. kazakh, a turkic language, is the official tongue, but russian is still widely used.
despite kazakhstan's largely arid conditions, its vast steppes accommodate both livestock and grain production. wheat, cotton, sugar beets, and tobacco are the main crops. the raising of cattle and sheep is also important, and kazakhstan produces much wool and meat. in addition, there are rich fishing grounds, famous for their caviar-producing sturgeon, in the caspian, although these have been hurt by overfishing.
the kazakh hills in the core of the region have important mineral resources. coal is mined at qaraghandy and ekibastuz, and there are major oil fields in the emba basin. the country's industries are located along the margins of the country. steel, agricultural and mining machinery, superphosphate fertilizers, phosphorus acids, artificial fibers, synthetic rubber, textiles, and medicines are among the manufactured goods. temirtau is the iron and steel center. the baikonur (bayqongyr) cosmodrome in central kazakhstan was the soviet space-operations center and continues to serve russian space exploration through an agreement between the two nations. the main trading partners are russia, ukraine, and uzbekistan.
Earlier birthday was usually celebrated at home. They invited their best friends, laid a chic table, and gave guests gifts. Now times have changed and the options for celebrating a birthday has become much more. Now many people, in order not to cook and clean the house, invite guests to a cafe or restaurant. If it's a birthday in the summer, then they often get out for kebabs. A lot of clubs have appeared for children, where thematic and animators arrange a birthday party. Also in many cafes you can celebrate a birthday with master classes. It is very fun and informative!
Раньше день рождения обычно отмечали дома. Они пригласили своих лучших друзей, накрыли шикарный стол и преподнесли гостям подарки. Сейчас времена изменились и вариантов празднования Дня рождения стало гораздо больше. Сейчас многие люди, чтобы не готовить и не убирать в доме, приглашают гостей в кафе или ресторан. Если летом у них день рождения, то они часто выходят на шашлыки. Появилось много клубов для детей,где тематические и аниматоры устраивают именины. Также во многих кафе можно отпраздновать День рождения мастер-классами. Это очень весело и познавательно!