Измените следующие во предложения по образцу:
Не asks, “Are you happy?” — He asks if (whether) I am happy.
1. The tourists ask, “Shall we visit the Bolshoi Theatre?”
2. A passer-by asks me, “Do you live in Moscow?” 3. The
manager asks the secretary, “Have you already phoned our
clients?” 4. The gardener asks, “Should I cut the grass?” 5. When
I come home in the evening my parents say, “Did you have a
good day?” 6. He asks, “Am I right or wrong?” 7. My boyfriend
asks, “Were you born on the eighth of March?” 8. Everybody
asks, “Can we trust those people?” 9. My Granny asks, “Will
you visit me on Sunday?” 10. The students ask the Dean, “Shall
we have a lecture today?” 11. The soldier asks the officer,
“Must I report to the sergeant?” 12. People ask, “Is this a good
film?” 13. We ask him, “Will you come to our party?” 14. These
English tourists ask me, “Are you a Muscovite?” 15. He asks
her, “Are you still working at the supermarket?”
Have my friends or relatives just visited a museum?
Who has just visited a museum?
What have my friends just visited?
Why my friends have just visited a museum?
Whose friends have just visited a museum?
Are they translating the text or an article at the lesson now?
What are they translating at the lesson now?
Who is translating the text at the lesson now?
Where are they translating the text now?
What text are they translating at the lesson now?
They are translating the text at the lesson now, aren't they?
Did my sister or brother write a dictation yesterday?
Did my sister write a dictation yesterday?
Whose sister wrote a dictation yesterday?
Who wrote a dictation yesterday?
What did my sister write yesterday?
When did she wtite yesterday?
My sister wrote a dictation yesterday, didn't she?