Запишите предложения в утвердительной, во отрицательной формах времени. 1 we (to work) past-time. 2 They (to drink) tea yesterday. 3 Mike (to be) a student.
1. I play the piano very well. I don't play the piano very well. 2. Jack plays the piano very well. Jack doesn't play the piano very well. 3. You know the answer. You don't know the answer. 4. She works very hard. She doesn't work very hard. 5. They do the same thing every day. They do not do the same thing every day. (Не уверена в правильности отрицательного предложения) 6. I understand. 7. He doesn't smoke. 8. They know. 9. She loves him. 10. They speak English. 11. I don't want it. 12. She doesn't want them.
Я родилась (ся) и живу в Казахстане. Казахстан — моя Родина, мое Отечество. Земля, где родился человек и вырос, остается в его сердце навсегда. Горы и равнины, реки и озера, бескрайние степи и песчаные пустыни — все это наш Казахстан. До чего же разнообразен животный мир! Каспийский осетр, горный барс, архары, сайгачье стада, беркут и сокол, много-много других животных и птиц всегда являлись и являются гордостью казахстанцев.
I was born (be) and live in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan — my Motherland, my Fatherland. The land where the person was born and raised, remains in his heart forever. Mountains and plains, rivers and lakes, boundless steppe and sandy deserts — all our Kazakhstan. What diverse wildlife! Caspian sturgeon, mountain leopard, argali, saiga herds, eagle and Falcon, many other animals and birds have always been the pride of the Kazakh people.
2. Jack plays the piano very well. Jack doesn't play the piano very well.
3. You know the answer. You don't know the answer.
4. She works very hard. She doesn't work very hard.
5. They do the same thing every day. They do not do the same thing every day. (Не уверена в правильности отрицательного предложения)
6. I understand.
7. He doesn't smoke.
8. They know.
9. She loves him.
10. They speak English.
11. I don't want it.
12. She doesn't want them.