II.1 Дополните предложения глаголом в правильной форме; обращайте внимание на маркеры времени:
a) The subordinate reported to the manager that he already (to complete) the task.
b) Yesterday I (to go) to London to close a very important deal.
c) The suppliers promise that they (to deliver) the materials by Friday.
d) If I (to have) time, I will join you at 5 p.m.
e) How often you usually (to go) on business trips every year?
f) I hope they (to accept) our proposal tomorrow.
g) Our company (to trade) mobile phones for 20 years already and we (to become) a true market leader.
h) He said he (to send) his CV to the HR Department on Friday.
i) Next month we (to work) in this department for 15 years already.
j) What negotiations you (to hold) at the moment?
2) 1 this time next week he will be flying to Cyprus
2 at 7 o'clock on Saturday they will be singing the new song
3 it will probably be raining when i reach Saint Petersburg
4 tomorrow at 10 o'clock i will be writting a test
5 sveta will be watching a video when arrive tonight
6 she will be sleeping
7 this time next month we will be sitting
8 tonight we will be getting
9 they will be dancing
10 he won't be playing
11 i won't be working. ..
12 will you be eating. .