1. Tom Sawyer was not a perfect pupil. He often missed classes and did not do his homework. Other children attended school regularly and were always ready to answer.
2. Robinson Crusoe missed people very much when he found himself alone on a desert island. There was nobody to speak with. He spoke with the parrot and wrote in the notebook about his life. When he lived in London he learnt to write because he had attended a church sсhool.
3. Harry Potter did not want to miss his train to Hogwarts School of Magic.
But at King's Cross railway station he could not find Platform ³/4.
Тихо - тише (сравнительная простая с суффикса ше) - более быстрый (сравнительная сложная с слова более)
Громко - громче (сравнительная простая с суффикса е) - менее громкий (сравнительная сложная с слова менее)
Тихо - тишайший (превосходная простая с суффикса айш) - наиболее тихий (превосходная простая с слова наиболее)
Образованный - образованнейший (превосходная простая с суффикса ейш) - наименее образованный (превосходная сложная с слова наименее)