Флебодиа-кто это? что это? зачем он? стоит 800 рэ)пить минимум месяц.
Тайм фактор-очень интересные витамины.Прикладываю фото.Пьются по фазно, каждый цвет каждые 5 дней примерно, и каждая пластинка отвечает за что то)
Блин, кто пил? расскажите что это?
Флебодиа он вообще для устранения симптомов венозных болезней, усталости в ногах и в том числе для дополнительного лечения при нарушении микроциркуляции.
К слову я восстанавливаю кровоток в матке перед крио протоколом.
Вот его и трентал сказали пить вместе.Наверно он участвует в кровотоке?
Phlebodia - who is this? what is it? why is he? costs 800 re) drink for at least a month.
The time factor is very interesting vitamins. I attach a photo. They drink in phases, each color every 5 days approximately, and each plate is responsible for something)
Damn, who was drinking? tell me what is it?
Phlebodia, he just do to eliminate the symptoms of venous diseases, fatigue in the legs, and also for additional treatment in case of microcirculation disorders.
By the way, I restore blood flow in the uterus before the cryo protocol.
So they told him to drink it together. Probably he participates in the bloodstream?
2. Oleg asked her sister to put the letter into an envelope and give it to Kate.
3. Robert asked Henry to help him with his work.
4. He asked the waitress to bring him some fish soup.
5. He tells me not worry about such a small thing.
6. Mary asked her friend not to mention that to anybody.
7. Jane asked Alice to promise that she will come and see her.
8. He told us not to go outside because it was very cold.
9. I asked Mark to send me a telegram as soon as they arrive.
10. Father tells me not to stay up late.