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Applying for a Job
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Today the work you do to earn a living influences your way of life. It affects
your choice of friends and the way you spend your leisure time. Work is the
central activity around which people plan their lives.
Applying for a job is a time consuming process. After you have decided what
kind of job your are looking for and have out of list of job places, you are ready
to apply for some of these jobs.
Before getting a job you must prepare and fill in (out) many documents and
Most employers require that you fill out an application form. This form asks
for information about an applicant, education and experience, and often your
interests or hobbies. An application form often is a test that tells the employing
company whether or not the applicant can give the necessary information. Thus,
it's better to ask whether, you may take the application blank home where you
have time to read it carefully and answer the questions completely.
present simple
I go to school every day. - Я хожу в школу каждый день.
We often play basketball. - Мы часто играем в баскетбол.
Children usually like parties. - Дети обычно любят праздники.
She speaks 2 foreign languages. - Она говорит на 2 иностранных языках.
It takes me 10 minutes to get to the University. - Дорога до Университета занимает у меня 10 минут.
She always comes in the morning. - Она всегда приходит утром.
Katya never gets up untill 9 o'clock. - Катя никогда не встает раньше 9 утра.
We usually play football but sometimes we play basketball. - Мы обычно играем в футбол, но иногда мы играем в баскетбол.
The office opens at 9:00 and closes at 20:00. - Офис открывается в 9 утра и закрывается в 8 вечера.
I like ice-cream. - Я люблю морожное.
past simpleI returned home yesterday - Я возвратился домой вчера.
I spoke to him three days ago - Я разговаривал с ним 3 дня тому назад.
They didn`t like the news - Им не понравилась новость.
Did Dan work at a factory? - Дэн работал на фабрике?
We met when I was in France - Мы познакомились, когда я был вo Франции.
I didn`t understand what you said - Я не понял, что вы сказали.
He changed his point of view - Он изменил свою точку зрения
He always came to school in time - Он всегда приходил в школу вовремя.
She never talked to us - Она никогда не разговаривала с нами.
зимой я проводил много времени в библиотеке.