Several, plenty of, (a large/
small) amount/number
a) Read the examples. Say them
In your language. How do we use the
words in bold?
Word formation (verb suffixes)
Read the theory. Form verbs from the
words in brackets in the correct form.
We use these suffixes to form verbs:
- Ise (apology - apologise) ate (fabric - fabricate)
en (short - shorten)
ify (beauty - beautify)
• We use plenty of with countable and uncountable
nouns. There is plenty of food in the fridge.
We use several only with countable nouns to
express a small number of something.
I drank several cups of tea this morning.
We use (a large/small) amount of with
uncountable nouns. We must lower the amount of
red meat in our diets.
We use (a large/small) number of with
countable nouns. The number of students who eat
at the school canteen has increased.
1 Eating food containing calcium helps to
your teeth and bones.
2 Scientists
food into
carbohydrates, proteins and fats. (CLASS)
3 Ulan wants his new restaurant to
in healthy, vegetarian food. (SPECIAL)
4 The headteacher is a plan
to encourage healthy eating. (FORMULA)
ответ:Alexander Sergeyvich Pushkin is considered to be one of the greatest Russian poets of all the times. He was a famous writer of Romantic era. Pushkin was born in 1799 and has lived a short but bright life. Many people regard him as the fouder of Russian modern literature.
Александр Сергеевич Пушкин считается одним из величайших русских поэтов всех времен. Он был известным писателем романтической эпохи. Пушкин родился в 1799 году и прожил короткую, но яркую жизнь. Многие люди считают его основателем современной русской литературы.