It is necessary to understand very clearly that all these problems related to the human environment concern each of us. All of us cannot simply stay away from these problems, because indifference can lead to very bad consequences. You need to start with yourself, because even a simple candy wrapper can bring very great harm to the environment. Humanity, which simply and unceremoniously intervenes in nature, will have to stop and think about the consequences, but man alone with this problem does not rule.
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Eva211003 Середнячок
Moscow, Russia
Dear Ben,
Thank you for your letter. It was great to hear from you again.
As for your question, l don't know much about Incas, but l think that it is very interesting to learn something new. As you know, I love to travel. So I would like to visit Machu Picchu. In my opinion, Machu Picchu is very unusual city. There I can learn another culture.
Sorry, my mum is calling me.
Write back soon.
With love,
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