Вставить : in, of, round, on, during, off, throughout , at , with, from, to , for, before, слова могут повторяться. В представлений словах для вставки некоторые могут быть лишними.
1. Thanksgiving Day is observed __ the fourth Thursday __ November.
2. __the feast, families usually pause to give thanks__ all they have, including the joy__ being together __ this day.
3. Halloween has special significance __ children who dress _ funny costumes and knock __ neighbourhood doors.
4. __ Christmas Eve groups __ carol singers go __ house __ house to wish good luck and prosperity __the hosts.
5. Christmas stockings are hung __ hope that Santa Claus will come __ night and fill them __ toys and sweets.
6. ___ November, 5 British children like to burn a dummy made __ and old clothes __ a bonfire and to let __fireworks.
7. Remembrance or Poppy Day ___ Britain is observed __ the whole country as the days to remember those who lost their lives __ the two World Wars.
2. A bus stop is near our house. – There is a bus stop near our house.
3. A beautiful picture is on the wall. – There is a beautiful picture on the wall.
4. This city has many monuments. – There are many monuments in this city.
5. Our town has no theatres. – There aren`t any theatres in our town.
6. This family has two children. – There are two children in this family.
7. A lot of faculties are at the University. – There are a lot of facilities at the University.
8. Newspapers from all countries are in the Lenin Library. – There are newspapers from all countries in the Lenin Library.
9. An English-Russian dictionary is on your table. – There is an English-Russian dictionary on your table.