Общий :
Has the learned judge become irritated at the linguistic duplicity of counsel, and the way in which they use archaic words to camouflage what is at bottom, an insult?
Специальный :
What has the learned judge become irritated at?
К подлежащему :
Who has become irritated at the linguistic duplicity of counsel, and the way in which they use archaic words to camouflage what is at bottom, an insult?
Альтернативный :
Has the learned judge become irritated at the linguistic duplicity of counsel, and the way in which they use archaic words to camouflage what is at bottom, an insult or at his incompetence?
Разделительный :
The learned judge has become irritated at the linguistic duplicity of counsel, and the way in which they use archaic words to camouflage what is at bottom, an insult,hasn't he?
London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It was founded by the Romans in about 43. One of its previous names is Londinium.
Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen of the United Kingdom, and it is located in London. Near the palace there is a beloved Hyde Park. Westminster Palace, all known as the Houses of Parliament, with a clock tower, better known as Big Ben, is located along the Thames.
Лондон – столица Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, основан римлянами приблизительно в 43 году. Одно из его прежних названий – Лондиниум.
Букингемский дворец – официальная резиденция королевы Соединенного королевства – расположен в Лондоне. Рядом с дворцом – всеми любимый Гайд парк. Вдоль набережной Темзы расположен Вестминстерский дворец, всем известный как здание парламента, с часовой башней, более известной как Биг-Бен.
1. small - smaller - the smallest
2. tall - taller - the tallest
3. shy - shyer - the shyest
4. hot - hotter - the hottest
5. long - longer - the longest
6. funny - funnier - the funniest
7. old - older - the oldest
8. short - shorter - the shortest
9. cold - colder - the coldest
10. nice - nicer - the nicest
11. good - better - the best
12. loud - louder - the loudest
13. clever - cleverer - the cleverest
14. pretty - prettier - the prettiest
15. happy - happier - the happiest