Два апострофа означают что надо убрать первые две буквы:
rain - ra = in
Конфету по-английски можно назвать candy, но замена буквы w на букву r говорит нам о том, что этот вариант не подходит и на ребусе изображена сладость - sweet. Порядок букв указывает в каком порядке мы должны писать это слово.
53241 = teres
Буква t находится внутри буквы g и получается - t in g
1. Do you like meeting friends in the park? Yes I love. 2. Do you help your parents around the house? of course. 3. Do you always do your homework? Yes, it's my duty. 4. Where will you go on vacation in the summer? to another country. 5. Do you like drawing? Of course, I like it.
1. Вам нравится встречаться с друзьями в парке? Да, я люблю ли вы родителям по дому? конечно. 3. Вы всегда выполняете домашнее задание? Да, это мой долг. 4. Куда вы пойдете в отпуск летом? в другую страну. 5. Вам нравится рисовать? Конечно, мне это нравится.
Profession Designer is an interesting, creative and inventive. In addition, it is now very popular. Get a designer to work easily even without experience. Its main plus-master the profession can be at any age. Тhe very notion of \"design\" is applied to any spheres of activity. But common for designers of different fields is the assiduity, extraordinary vision and creativity in applying design decisions. it is also important to hard work and patience.
The profession of Interior Designer Profession of Interior Designer appeared not so long ago and immediately became wildly popular. Obustraival every man Before their apartment or House. but now many people are increasingly employ the services of an interior designer. Specialist will help you choose the most suitable variant of registration, or will do it in the style that you choose. But with the necessary aesthetic requirements and acceptable combinations.
The profession of landscape designer landscape design Profession has replaced the profession still appeared the gardener in the 16TH century and constantly improved. Is a landscape designer florist, botanist and počvovedom at the same time. in addition, he is an architect and artist. A specialist would be able to competently make your garden or smallholding, and ennoble it. It correctly selects and combines plants that will feel good under the circumstances and, if desired, decorate the plot various sculptures.
Designer clothing Profession Profession designer clothing is innovation. the inner world of man is unique and designers must take into account the tastes of everyone. so they are constantly engaged in developing new models of clothing that will suit the requirements of all clients. Fashion designer has good taste and creative thinking. in addition, he is well versed in the tissues, their combined and apply all the acquired knowledge for tailoring.
Advertisement Designer Profession Profession designer advertising the most promising and demanded from all directions in the field of design. Advertising Designer will correctly apply their knowledge and skills within the framework of the ad agency and the Outlook of the company. This involves balancing between creativity and implement their ideas. Advertisement Designer sees things with non-standard parties and knows how best to display their products or services to the consumer.
The designer's Profession have advantages and disadvantages. Is one of the most prestigious and well-paid activity. the designer is unlimited scope for its fancy. It can implement all your ideas and get paid for it. But the designer must have perseverance and hard work, to be able to take the other person's point of view, to compromise with their beliefs, and in some cases insist his client and convince.
Fashion designer Profession plays an important role in the world of fashion. Expert in this sphere creates new models of clothing, headgear and footwear fashion Designer. can achieve much and become a famous Couturier. but it requires a huge work.
Два апострофа означают что надо убрать первые две буквы:
rain - ra = in
Конфету по-английски можно назвать candy, но замена буквы w на букву r говорит нам о том, что этот вариант не подходит и на ребусе изображена сладость - sweet. Порядок букв указывает в каком порядке мы должны писать это слово.
53241 = teres
Буква t находится внутри буквы g и получается - t in g
Всё слово целиком: interesting