Use the notes to write a biography of the guitarist, Jimi Hendrix.
0 1942 / November 27 / Jimi Hendrix / born
1 1956 / see / Elvis on stage
2 1957 / get first electric guitar / play / two bands
3 1959 / drop out / school / do / different jobs
4 1961–62 / be / soldier / and / form / band / The King Casuals
5 1963–65 / be / backing musician / Little Richard / the Isley Brothers
6 1965 / create / band / Jimi Hendrix Experience
7 first hit / be / Hey Joe / 1967
8 1967 / first album / Are You Experienced?
9 1970 / September 18th / died
10 some say / best guitarist ever
0 Jimi Hendrix was born on 27th November 27 1942.
Where were they sitting during the party? They were sitting on the ground around the food.
What were they wearing during the party? They were wearing long garlands of paper flowers.
What music were they listening to? They were listening to Hawaiian music.
What dances were they performing during the party? They were performing a hula (Hawaiian dance), a dance with bows and arrows.
What dish were they making during the party? They were making Indian tacos.
Who was cooking the main dish? My friend’s mother was cooking it.