Наталья Рагозина родилась 5 апреля 1976 года в городе Абай. В детстве мечтала стать стюардессой и фотомоделью. Но, оказавшись в самолёте, поняла, что боится летать.
Свой путь в большой спорт Наталья начала с лёгкой атлетики. Специализировалась в беге на средние дистанции. Закончила спортивный интернат города Караганды. В бокс она попала случайно, и первый же спарринг закончился разбитым в кровь лицом. С этого обидного поражения от мальчишки и началась карьера знаменитой боксёрши.В 2008 году фильм «Белая медведица» с Рагозиной в главной роли завоевал гран-при Пятого международного кинофестиваля спортивных фильмов «Атлант» за лучший художественный фильм о спорте. За роль в фильме Рагозина была удостоена награды.В 2009 году Рагозина признана «Лучшим боксёром России» — 2009 по опросу сайта Sportbox.ru.В июне 2010 года в рамках 32-го Московского Международного кинофестиваля премии «Angel Kiss Awards» «за ангельскую внешность» были удостоены боксёры Наталья Рагозина
Natalia Ragozina was born on April 5, 1976 in the city of Abay in the Karaganda region of the Kazakh SSR in the Russian-Tatar family [2]. In her childhood she dreamed of becoming a flight attendant and a model. But, being in the plane, I realized that I was afraid to fly. Her path to the big sport Natalia began with athletics. I specialized in running for middle distance. I graduated from the sports boarding school of the city of Karaganda. In boxing, she got by accident, and the first sparring ended in a bleeding face. With this insulting defeat from the boy, the career of the famous boxer began.In 2008, the film "White Bear" with Ragozina in the title role won the Grand Prix of the Fifth International Film Festival of sports films "Atlant" for the best feature film about sports. For the role in the film, Ragozin was awarded. In 2009, Ragozin was recognized as the "Best Boxer of Russia" - 2009 according to the poll of the site Sportbox.ru.In June 2010, in the framework of the 32nd Moscow International Film Festival "Angel Kiss Awards" for "angelic appearance" were awarded boxers Natalia Ragozina
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It’s nice to have a best friend. A best friend stops you from getting lonely. He or she is someone you can share all the good times and the bad times with — and that’s great.
There are several school-mates with whom I am friends and whose company I enjoy. They are nice and pleasant people in many ways and they are interesting to talk to. But a person who is very special for me is my friend Maxim. I have known him for over five years since we came to live in a new block of flats and we studied at the same school. He is a year older than me and he finished school last year.
I think he is really nice-looking with thick dark hair, blue eyes and an attractive smile. What is more important for me, of course, is his personality, his intellect and attitude to many things.