I usually play my favorite music on a CD player.
Microwave is really simple to use.
My family and I like to watch movies on a DVD player in the evenings.
I can't imagine my life without a dishwasher.
My fridge is always full of delicious food.
Our washing machine is broken. We have to call a repairman.
Вред соц. сетей
1) Свободный доступ к информации расположенной в соц. сетях
2) Появление привязанности к соц. сетям
3) Лишняя трата денег. (Некоторые социальные сети предлагают пользователям отправить смс для получения дополнительных отметок, подарков, игр и пр.)
4) Соц. сети- это досье на любого человека.
5) Неадекватный взгляд на окружающий мир.
1) Общение с друзьями, родственниками, и т. д
2) Просмотр фотографий, видеофильмов, прослушивание музыки.
3) Создание групп по интересам.
4)Самовыражение. Возможность выставить свои фотографии, видео которые хочется показать своим друзьям и знакомым.
1. The problem is too complex for you to deal with it alone.
2. He has a very good memory. He only needs to hear a word once, and he will remember it for the rest of his life.
3. He asked for books to be sent to him by mail.
4. They need to rest in order to be in good shape for competitions.
5. it's okay for You to say that I can do this job, but I'm not so sure.
6. The trip is too interesting to us to lose her.
7. They were waiting for their lunch to be served.
8. You don't need to work so hard and risk your health.
Объяснение: when I go to school I listen musik by CD player.
Usually my parents and I heat food in microwave.
Now nobody use DVD player.
I use dishwasher fridge. It is really conveniently.
My mom use only washing machine.