Learning foreign languages is important nowadays. I think that any educated person must learn foreign languages. But I prefer English to other foreign languages. Why? English is becoming a global language. A half of billion people in the world use English at home or work. English is the language which is known for the most part of our fine, magnificent and surprising world. English is so widespread that it has become the standard language for all kinds of international communication.
English is a universal language (global language in case we are not the only creature who can speak.) The world has changed. We can no longer live alone in our country anymore. If you want to learn the world you need to learn english With IT, we can open ourselves to the world and the only way we can connect to the world is to the unviersal language. If you are a business man you would have to learn english to expand your business to oversea. If you are a students you would have to learn english for your own bright future or, at least, pass the exam. If you are an employee you would have to learn english for the benefit of your career. Even if you are just a street walker you still want to learn english to understand what's going on in the world No matter who you are. Learn English is very important. You can't avoid it and do not avoid it before you getting too far behind.
Статуя Свободы Статуя Свободы находится на Острове Свободы в Нью-Йорке. В 1886 году американцы получили его в подарок от французов. С тех пор статуя стала символом свободы и Соединенных Штатов. КС. Белый дом является официальной резиденцией президента США. Он находится в Вашингтоне. Здание состоит из 6 этажей с различными комнатами, включая жилое пространство и залы для официальных приемов. Ниагарский водопад Ниагарский водопад расположен на границе между Канадой и США. "Ниагарский водопад" - общее название трех водопадов - Американский водопад, водопад Подкова и водопад Фата Невесты. Ежегодно тысячи людей посещают это живописное место. Существует Радужный мост через реку, которая соединяет обе страны. Он открыт для пешеходов. тайм-сквер Таймс-Сквер-это площадь в центре Манхэттена. Это не только символ Нью-Йорка, но и США. Таймс-Сквер-одна из самых посещаемых достопримечательностей мира. В нем расположено множество бродвейских театров. Многие крупные компании также имеют там свои офисы.
English is a universal language (global language in case we are not the only creature who can speak.) The world has changed. We can no longer live alone in our country anymore. If you want to learn the world you need to learn english
With IT, we can open ourselves to the world and the only way we can connect to the world is to the unviersal language.
If you are a business man you would have to learn english to expand your business to oversea.
If you are a students you would have to learn english for your own bright future or, at least, pass the exam.
If you are an employee you would have to learn english for the benefit of your career.
Even if you are just a street walker you still want to learn english to understand what's going on in the world
No matter who you are. Learn English is very important. You can't avoid it and do not avoid it before you getting too far behind.