This summer we again went with the whole family to rest on the Black Sea, as every year we try to adhere to this tradition. I look forward to this magical time and try to thoroughly prepare for the next trip. This year we again went to Sochi, since we all like this resort town very much. It has a very developed infrastructure for holidaymakers and tourists. But first, there was a long road ahead, which I love very much, as we traveled to the place by train. This is my favorite form of transport, because during the road there is an opportunity to think and dream. Sochi always welcomes its guests very hospitably. I love hiking in the mountains, because the mountains are very beautiful nature and fresh air. I am glad that I made several boat trips on a boat and rodejeeps along mountain roads, since this entertainment is very exciting. Was the opportunity to go to the water park and admire the sports facilities, which were built for the world sports competitions and are admired by holidaymakers. The city has a lot of different entertainment that is suitable for people of any age. The beaches that stretch along the city are very clean and they have the opportunity to play beach volleyball and rent various sports equipment. I hope that these holidays will be very fun and beneficial to their health. Rest on the sea has many advantages: fresh sea air, sea water and just cool atmosphere and energy of nature.
Field of Dreams. The field of miracles is a very interesting TV game. The leader of this TV game, Leonid Yakubovich, invites guests to his room and gives them difficult questions, and they have to answer them (explain here for a very long time). The winner of the game receives a prize for his points, which he received during the game. Gifts different: phone, multicooker, tablet, vacuum cleaner and others. This is a very interesting TV game. Поле чудес - очень интересная телевизионная игра. Ведущий этой телевизионной игры Леонид Якубович приглашает гостей в свою комнату и задает им сложные вопросы, и они должны на них отвечать (объясняют здесь очень долго). Победитель игры получает приз за свои очки, которые он получил во время игры. Подарки разные: телефон, мультиварка, планшет, пылесос и другие. Это очень интересная телевизионная игра.
This year we again went to Sochi, since we all like this resort town very much. It has a very developed infrastructure for holidaymakers and tourists. But first, there was a long road ahead, which I love very much, as we traveled to the place by train. This is my favorite form of transport, because during the road there is an opportunity to think and dream. Sochi always welcomes its guests very hospitably.
I love hiking in the mountains, because the mountains are very beautiful nature and fresh air. I am glad that I made several boat trips on a boat and rodejeeps along mountain roads, since this entertainment is very exciting. Was
the opportunity to go to the water park and admire the sports facilities, which were built for the world sports competitions and are admired by holidaymakers.
The city has a lot of different entertainment that is suitable for people of any age. The beaches that stretch along the city are very clean and they have the opportunity to play beach volleyball and rent various sports equipment. I hope that these holidays will be very fun and beneficial to their health. Rest on the sea has many advantages: fresh sea air, sea water and just cool atmosphere and energy of nature.