asparagus — спаржа
broccoli — брокколи
beet — свекла
cabbage — капуста
carrot — морковь
pike – щука
cod – треска
mackerel – скумбрия
turkey — индейка
mutton — баранина
apple — яблоко
banana — банан
buckwheat — гречка
cheese — сыр
cottage cheese — творог
sour cream — сметана
milk — молоко
ответ:My question was answered yesterday.2 Hockey is played in winter. 3 mushrooms gather in autumn 4 Many houses have been burned during the war 5 His new book will be finished next year 6 Flowers are selling in the shops and in the streets 7. St. Peterburg was founded in 1703 8. Bread is eaten every day. 9 The letter was received yesterday 10. Nick will send to Moscow next week 11 I gave you very interesting book at the library last friday 12 Many houses are built in our town every year
P.S надеюсь
ответ: apple banana? drink huy