1)Over 300 languages are spoken in London
First on our list of facts about London is the cultural diversity. As one of the most diverse cities in the world, London houses over 8 million residents, who collectively speak over 300 languages, including Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Cantonese, Mandarin, Hokkien and of course English.
2)Big Ben is not actually called Big Ben
Big Ben is arguably London’s most famous landmark. Surprisingly, it is actually meant to go by the name ‘The Clock Tower’, while ‘Big Ben’ is the name of the bell. Feel free to bore your friends and family with that fact if you ever do a tour of London.3) The Tower of London houses six ravens
Charles II’s ordered for six ravens to be placed in the Tower of London to protect it. Apparently, six ravens are still kept in the tower today and they must remain there at all times due to superstitious reasons. For extra measures, each raven has a wing clipped, they even have a spare raven handy in case one flies away.
Arrange a visit to the Tower of London here.
Glossy magazines warn — fashion back in the 90s. But there is a feeling that we with the editors of the gloss lived in some different 90s. Long skirts, but not to the floor, and up to half calf. And a very loose jacket — the feeling that with someone else's shoulder. Like three sizes bigger. Shoes on a low heel. Girls painted in the blonde, smooth hair was not in fashion, they are curled so that they are fluffy
4)Мне нравится черный цвет. как и белый, черный это сочетание всех цветов, только он представляет не чистоту, а нечто неизвестное, тайное. Черный, в основном, своеобразным образом сдерживает поток информации, но нет никаких сомнений в том, что в современной культуре он также ассоциируется с "темной стороной" и злом.
I like the black color. like white, black is the combination of all colors, it represents not only purity, but something unknown, a secret. Black, mostly, in some way constrains the flow of information, but there is no doubt that in modern culture it is also associated with the "dark side" and evil.