Составьте разделительные предложения по языку: 1the countryis very large indeed 2 mountains is siberia and the territory near the pacific ocean is the far east
17.They have played golf this afternoon. 18.I am bored .I think I will do a crossword puzzle. 19.By the time you arrive I have finished cooking. 20.At this time next week heare going to ski with his friends. 21.a: Are you going to the supermarket later? в:yes,why? A:can you pick up some milk? 22.Mrs Simmmons will have written the report by Tuesday. 23.I hope Tracy will come home soon. 24.I saw (или will see) my lawyer on Monday 25.If they wake up early,I`ll make them a breakfast 26.A-I`ve dot a high temperature. B-I will give you an aspirin. 27.a-Look at that man on the ladder! b-Oh,no!Hу is falling! 28.Stop talking or I will send you out of the class. 29.The ferry is leaving at 8 o`click tomorrow morning. 30.I hope I will have bought my own car by the time I`m thirty. 31.She is spending (или will spend) next summer sailing around the world.
Лондон прекрасен! Вчера Джейн взяла меня в город и показала Лондонский Тауэр.Она показала мне Trafalgar Square(трафангальскую площадь).Я насладилась всеми этими местами.Мы пообедали в небольшом кафе около здания Парламента.Я написала и отправила тебе открытку с изображением трафангальской площади. Вечером мы смотрели телевизор говорили о Лондоне.Мы собираемся посетить Оксфорд и Глазго в ближайшее время. Я очень рада.Я пишу это письма на английском языке, чтобы практиковать его. Много любви (люблю)
18.I am bored .I think I will do a crossword puzzle.
19.By the time you arrive I have finished cooking.
20.At this time next week heare going to ski with his friends.
21.a: Are you going to the supermarket later?
A:can you pick up some milk?
22.Mrs Simmmons will have written the report by Tuesday.
23.I hope Tracy will come home soon.
24.I saw (или will see) my lawyer on Monday
25.If they wake up early,I`ll make them a breakfast
26.A-I`ve dot a high temperature.
B-I will give you an aspirin.
27.a-Look at that man on the ladder!
b-Oh,no!Hу is falling!
28.Stop talking or I will send you out of the class.
29.The ferry is leaving at 8 o`click tomorrow morning.
30.I hope I will have bought my own car by the time I`m thirty.
31.She is spending (или will spend) next summer sailing around the world.