I've watched a lot of American movies about high school love and parties. Based on this I can say that about sixty percent of American parties are held on the roofs and they often arrange fights and showdowns.
Thus, a typical American party should be held on the roof and also does not do without the "sharp" moments of the holiday.
1)я работаю I work 2) вы работаете-да Do you work? Yes I do. 3)он работает-нет.Он учитсяDoes he work? No, he studies. 4)мой брат не учится.Он работает My brother doesn't study. He works 5)моя сестра не читает книг My sister doesn't read books 6)наша бабушка обычно спит на диване Our grandmother usually sleeps on the sofa 7)вы часто отдыхаете в этом кресле? Do you often rest in this armchair? 8)когда вы встаете?What time do you get up? 9)твоя сестра говорит по французский-нет Does your sister speak French? No, she doesn't. 10)мой дядя инженер.он очень занят My uncle is an engineer. he is very busy. 11)мой брат работает в больнице.Он врач My brother works in a hospital. he is a doctor. 12)он не любит конфеты.Он любит фрукты He doesn't like sweets. He likes fruit. 13)мы предпочитает бананы яблоком We prefer apples to bananas. 14)он не знает историю He doesn't know History. 15)они обычно навещают свою бабушку They usually visit their Granny. 16)она ненавидит собак She hates dogs. 17)тебе нравится этот фильм?-нет Do you like this film? No, I don't. 18)где твоя ручка?- она в моем кармане Where is your pen? It is in my pocket. 19)вы людям You help people. 20)мой дядя пишет книги My uncle lwrites books. 21)мы делаем упражнения (at) в школе We do exercises at school. 22)наша бабушка любит спать на диване Our Granny likes to sleep on the sofa. 23)ВЫ ЛЮБИТЕ ОТДЫХАТЬ В КРЕСЛЕ You like to rest in the armchair. 24)мы едим и пьем в кухне (in the kitchen ) We eat and drink in the kitchen
I've watched a lot of American movies about high school love and parties. Based on this I can say that about sixty percent of American parties are held on the roofs and they often arrange fights and showdowns.
Thus, a typical American party should be held on the roof and also does not do without the "sharp" moments of the holiday.