1. Past Perfect образуется при вс глагола to have в форме времени (had) и формы причастия времени (Past Participle) смыслового глагола: I had worked, he had worked.
2. В вопросительной форме вс глагол ставится перед подлежащим: Had I worked? Had he worked?
3. Отрицательная форма образуется при частицы not, которая ставится после вс глагола: I had not worked, he had not worked.
4. В вопросительно-отрицательной форме отрицание not ставится непосредственно после подлежащего: Had I not worked? Had he not worked?
1. Modern highways (хз) generally complex engineering structures.
2. This highway (хз) for high-speed motor traffic.
3. Generally the building of a road along the shortest distance (хз)
by the topography of the land.
4. Very often roads (хз) along the broken line of the plan.
5. Any deviation of the direction of the route (хз) usually by the
deflection angle.
6. In practice deflection angles (хз) identifying labels.
7. Moscow Ring Road (хз) some years ago.
8. These shoulders (обочины) (хз) for cars to stop in the future.
9. Every year thousands of kilometers of new highways (хз).
10. About 6000 km of hard-surface (твердое покрытне) highways (хз)
by the end of the last year.
9) She was a quiet person. And she didn’t say much when she saw them.
10) There were few books in the library
1. She wasn’t ready to get any job.
2. Did he know any foreign languages?
3. There was no money in the purse.
4. There was any news on the radio.
5. There were no computers in the office last year.
6. Did you have some work to do yesterday?
7. There was some money for you to spend.
8. There was hardly any furniture in his room.
9. Unfortunately there were no means of achieving his aim.
10. I was thirsty, but there was no juice in the fridge.