Желаю вам хорошего дня
1. global, bronchial, large-scale, poisonous, technological, powerful, ugly, rural, dangerous, exhaust, high-rise.
2. warming, use, jet-aircraft, complaints, fumes, roads, areas, effect, building, flats, progress.
global warming - глобальное потепление
bronchial complaints - бронхиальные жалобы
large-scale use - крупномасштабное использование
poisonous effect - отравляющее воздействие
technological progress - технический прогресс
powerful jet-aircraft - мощный реактивный самолет
ugly roads - ужасные дороги
rural areas - сельские районы
dangerous flats - опасные квартиры
exhaust fumes - выхлопные газы
high-rise building - высотное здание
My spring break
Spring Break. This is a chance to relax after school. So to say "rehabilitated." Moreover, after the biggest quarter in the academic year. And after a good rest with the new forces to start the fourth quarter.
On vacation you can sleep all you want, because no one will blame the fact that you need to get up early. Can be a long walk with friends. After all, do homework every day on vacation is not necessary! You can go to my grandmother for a few days. Or visit her aunt. You can visit the exhibition. And write an essay. You can learn some of the rules, read the book and write a paper. You can do anything you want, as many times.
But do not forget about exams, which will be at the end of this school year! Need to plan for it well.
That's how I spent my spring break
1.is eaten 2 was sold 3 are built 4 will be grown 5 will be asked 6 are not worn
7 are not grown 8 is washed 9 was baked 10 was written