Use the ideas from the dialogue in ex 3 to complete the email below giving advice to alex 100 words swipe papers and evaluate your partner's piece of writing
There are only SIX publK: holidays 0) a year in Great Britain, that IS, the days on which people need not go to work. They are: ch口stmas Day, Boxing Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Spring Bank Holiday and Late summer Bank Holiday. Most of these holidays are of religious origin. All the publlc holidays, except Christmas Day and Boxing Day, are movable, they do not fall on the same day each year. In England the New Year IS not so widely celebrated as ch口stmas. Some people ignore It completely (2) and go to bed at the same time as 니sual on New Years Eve. Others celebrate It arranging either a family party or visiting the one's arranged (3) by a group of ycHJng people. The type of celebration IS varied very rr"Jch according to local customs, family traditions and personal tastes. Another popuIsr way of celebrating New Year IS to go to New Year dance. Most hotels and dance halls hold a special dance on New Year's Eve. On February the 14th is St. Valentines Day, when boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, friends and nejghbours exchange (4) greetings of affection (5) and undying love. But the tradition IS to do It anonymously. Mothers day IS traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday in Lent (6)- On this holiday mother IS rewarded for all her work about the house d니「Ing the year. Her huSb3rld and children give her presents and traditionally bring her breakfast in bed. Easter IS also a time when certain old traditions are observed. It IS the time of giving presents, and the Easter egg IS the most popular emblem of this holiday. Nowadays Easter eggs are usually made of chocolate in Great Britain. Tradition says that the Easter Bunny (rabbit) delivers these eggs. Easter cake IS an iced fruItcake with a marzipan ring on the top. On Late summer Bank Holiday the townsfolk (7) usually flock (8) into the country arid to the coast. If the weather IS fine, many families take a plcnlc-kjnch or tea with them and enjoy their meal in the open air. It IS also an occasion for big sports meetings. Remembrance Day (Poppy Day) is celebrated throughout Britain in commemoration of the million or more British soldiers, sailors and airmen who lost their lives during the two World Wars. Christmas Day (9) is observed on the 25th of December. On Christmas Eve in the homes there IS a great air of expectation. Children decorate the fir-tree with tinsel (10). coloured lights and toys. The houses are decorated with holly and a Iwnch of mistletoe (1 1) The Christmas bird, nowadays usually a turkey, is cooked and stuffed (12) by housewlves. It IS followed by Christmas pudding, which IS made with dried fruIt and brandy. Sometimes a c이n IS put in the pudding as a surprise.
The doctor asked if he had a fever last night. 2. The policeman asked everyone to comply with the law. 3. She was asked to be more attentive 4. The teacher asked when my parents will be free. 5. The captain ordered all to land ashore. 6. The doctor asked the grandmother to comply with bed rest. 7. Mom asked all guests to sit at the table. 8. We asked the teacher if we could approach him after the lessons. 9. She said that she was very interested in the history and traditions of Great Britain. 10. She asked Mom to teach her how to make pancakes.
holidays 0) a year in Great
Britain, that IS, the days on which
people need not go to work. They
are: ch口stmas Day, Boxing Day,
Good Friday, Easter Monday,
Spring Bank Holiday and Late
summer Bank Holiday. Most of
these holidays are of religious
origin. All the publlc holidays,
except Christmas Day and
Boxing Day, are movable, they do
not fall on the same day each
In England the New Year IS not
so widely celebrated as
ch口stmas. Some people ignore It
completely (2) and go to bed at
the same time as 니sual on New
Years Eve. Others celebrate It
arranging either a family party or
visiting the one's arranged (3) by
a group of ycHJng people. The
type of celebration IS varied very
rr"Jch according to local
customs, family traditions and
personal tastes. Another popuIsr
way of celebrating New Year IS to
go to New Year dance. Most
hotels and dance halls hold a
special dance on New Year's Eve.
On February the 14th is St.
Valentines Day, when boys and
girls, sweethearts and lovers,
husbands and wives, friends and
nejghbours exchange (4)
greetings of affection (5) and
undying love. But the tradition IS
to do It anonymously. Mothers day IS traditionally
celebrated on the first Sunday in
Lent (6)- On this holiday mother
IS rewarded for all her work about
the house d니「Ing the year. Her
huSb3rld and children give her
presents and traditionally bring
her breakfast in bed.
Easter IS also a time when
certain old traditions are
observed. It IS the time of giving
presents, and the Easter egg IS
the most popular emblem of this
holiday. Nowadays Easter eggs
are usually made of chocolate in
Great Britain.
Tradition says that the Easter
Bunny (rabbit) delivers these
eggs. Easter cake IS an iced
fruItcake with a marzipan ring on
the top.
On Late summer Bank Holiday
the townsfolk (7) usually flock
(8) into the country arid to the
coast. If the weather IS fine,
many families take a plcnlc-kjnch
or tea with them and enjoy their
meal in the open air. It IS also an
occasion for big sports
Remembrance Day (Poppy
Day) is celebrated throughout
Britain in commemoration of the
million or more British soldiers,
sailors and airmen who lost their
lives during the two World Wars. Christmas Day (9) is observed
on the 25th of December. On
Christmas Eve in the homes
there IS a great air of expectation.
Children decorate the fir-tree with
tinsel (10). coloured lights and
toys. The houses are decorated
with holly and a Iwnch of
mistletoe (1 1) The Christmas
bird, nowadays usually a turkey,
is cooked and stuffed (12) by
housewlves. It IS followed by
Christmas pudding, which IS
made with dried fruIt and brandy.
Sometimes a c이n IS put in the
pudding as a surprise.