1. Fill in the missing word. There are two answers you do not need to use. (Вставить пропущенные слова, предложения списывать не надо).
Native, beneath, varied, drive, catch, snaps, missed, sunstroke, boat, landmarks, booked, cuisine
1. Sam is going to Madrid with British Airways. He has already a seat.
2. You aren’t the only one waiting in this long queue. We’re all in the same .
3. I took some at the party.
4. As he walked, the leaves crunched his feet.
5. Goulash soup is part of the traditional Hungarian .
6. Famous for its landscapes, Canada is very outdoor enthusiast’s dream.
7. We only have a few minutes to the bus. Let’s hurry.
8. Oh, you poor thing! You got from lying on the beach for too long.
9. I don’t know how Ann babysits those naughty children. They me up the wall!
10. Ben was late going to the airport. Sadly, he his flight.
2. Fill in at, off, in, on, for, without, aside (Вставить зависимые предлоги)
1. I booked my holidays … advanced this year.
2. Hotels offer special rates if you travel … season.
3. Please send me the information … delay.
4. They spent a week … the seaside last summer.
5. There are many bikes … hire in Helsinki.
6. I’ve been setting … a bit of money all year for my holidays.
7. We had to set … early in the morning to catch the train.
8. The plane crashed with 126 passengers … board.
Dog saves a kid
It happened yesterday. A man was walking his dog. Suddenly it has stopped near the underground sewer cover and did not want to move. The man came up and heard the child's voice / He called someone to help. The man opened the cover and the boy about 7 years old was saved.
Film wins the Prize
The film written and directed by John Petrov won the Grand Prize. This is a new verson of Alisa in Wonderland. The film was made specially for his daughter.
A gardener grows unusual cactus
The young gardener Mikle Smith grew a new sort of cactus. It is not afraid of frosts ! Mikle called it Winter cactus!)