4 Complete the text with the present simple continuous forms of the verbs given and adverbs.
I'm really angry with my brother at the moment because he (a) (is always using) the computer when I want to use it. He (b) (does not usually play) computer games, but he (c) (is becoming) more and more interested in online games at the moment. Right now he (d) (is making) a new avatar for his favourite game. It's funny because my brother (e) (does not usually wear) anything apart from jeans and T-shirts, but his avatar (f) (has got) really spectacular clothes. People (g) ( often say ) that boys (h) (play) more computer games than girls, but I think that (i) (is changing). The only reason that l (j) (do not often play ) is because when it's my turn to use the computer l ( k) (am always doing) homework on it first.oh good ! My brother (l) (is finishing) now .lt is 5 pm and he ( m) ( usually plays ) football with his friends at the time. My turn to use the computer at last.
1) I think we should -Я думаю, мы должны
I think we should think carefully about our future and what university we will enter after we finish school.
2)it`s better to-лучше
It’s better to choose a few academic subjects and work on them harder.
3)But look - но посмотрите
But look at the pace of change in the modern world! What if we choose a profession and it will not be needed in ten years’ time?
4)on the other hand -с другой стороны
On the other hand, some professions are always in demand.
5) l still think - я всё ещё думаю
I still think that teachers, doctors and engineers will always be needed
6)yes but what l really mean is
Yes, but what I really mean is that you have to be good at whatever you do
7)what i`m trying to say is
What I’m trying to say is that it is very important to be a lifelong learner!