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Choose the right variant:
1. Jennings is so (wonderfully/wonderful) enthusiastic about the game that his enthusiasm spreads to his team-mates and the result is usually a strong performance.

2. Your clothes are so good. Your jacket looks (fashion/fashionable) .

3. I study (sciense/scientific) at the university


1. Jennings is so wonderfully enthusiastic about the game that his enthusiasm spreads to his team-mates and the result is usually a strong performance.

2. Your clothes are so good. Your jacket looks fashionable .

3. I study science at the university


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Выберите что нужно вставить, для знатоков английского легко! Choose the right variant: 1. Jennings i
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My Favourite TV Program Моя любимая телепередача

Many people like watching TV in their free time. It’s one of my favourite pastimes too. However, I try not to spend a lot of time in front of the screen. I usually watch music channels, new and interesting films, funny cartoons and educational programs.

I’d like to tell you a little bit about my favourite TV program. It’s an informative show called “Galileo”. It is named after a famous scientist Galileo Galilei, who liked making experiments. I watch this program regularly and try not to miss the next issue. It is usually shown at weekends.

Each time the presenter of the program Alexander Pushnoy explains different phenomena of nature and shows amazing experiments. Most of all I like the part with these experiments. In my opinion, “Galileo” show is interesting not only for children but also for adults. Not every adult knows seemingly obvious facts. For example, why the sky is blue, why the sugar is sweet, how the paste is colored in tubes.

This program can surprise even the most skeptical spectator. Usually each edition contains five different stories and experiments. Together with the presenter you can travel to distant places and even transfer in time. The “Galileo” team has several special agents, who conduct the experiments at scientific laboratories, factories and plants. Sometimes they travel into past or future. Some episodes are shot in foreign countries, such as Japan, the USA, Ukraine, etc.

My favourite program ends with the words “The world is more interesting than you think”. I absolutely agree with this statement and I always recommend my friends to watch “Galileo”.

Многие люди любят смотреть телевизор в свободное время. Это также одно из моих любимых занятий. Тем не менее, я стараюсь не проводить много времени перед экраном. Я обычно смотрю музыкальные каналы, новые и интересные фильмы, смешные мультфильмы и образовательные программы.

Я хотел бы рассказать вам немного о своей любимой телепередачи. Это информативное шоу под названием «Галилео». Она названа в честь известного ученого Галилео Галилея, который любил делать эксперименты. Я смотрю эту программу регулярно, и стараться не пропустить следующий выпуск. Обычно её показывают в выходные дни.

Каждый раз ведущий программы Александр Пушной объясняет различные явления природы и показывает удивительные эксперименты. Больше всего мне нравится часть с этими экспериментами. На мой взгляд, шоу «Галилео» интересно не только детям, но и взрослым. Не каждый взрослый знает, казалось бы, очевидные факты. Например, почему небо голубое, почему сахар сладкий, как паста окрашивают в тюбиках.

Эта программа может удивить даже самых скептически настроенных зрителей. Обычно каждый выпуск содержит пять разных историй и экспериментов. Вместе с ведущим вы можете путешествовать в отдаленные места и даже перемещаться во времени. В команде «Галилео» несколько специальных агентов, которые проводят эксперименты в научной лаборатории, на фабриках и заводах. Иногда они путешествуют в или будущее. Некоторые эпизоды снимаются в зарубежных странах, таких как Япония, США, Украина, и т.д.

Моя любимая программа заканчивается словами: «Мир интереснее, чем вы думаете". Я полностью согласен с этим утверждением, и я всегда рекомендую своим друзьям посмотреть «Галилео».

4,4(25 оценок)
As for the Russian Federation, it is a very big country, that`s why the climate varies greatly. Russia is the largest country in the world, with nine time zones, and the climate can be different in various areas of the country. The cold arctic climate is in the north Siberia and the sub-tropical hot climate is near the Black Sea. But the most of the country has a continental climate, typically characterized by long cold winters and short summers.
The differences in climate cannot but influence the wildlife in these countries. The wildlife, as everyone knows, includes its flora and fauna and their natural habitats. Let us review the unique wildlife of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Russian Federation.
British fauna includes an incredible selection of animals. A wide variety of different animals can be found in and around the country. Rodents make up 40% of the total number of mammal species in Great Britain. These include squirrels, mice, voles, rats and the recently reintroduced European beaver. There is also an abundance of rabbits, hares, hedgehogs, shrews, moles and several species of bat. Carnivorous mammals include the fox, badger, otter, weasel, stoat and elusive wildcat. The largest land-based wild animals in the UK today are deer. The red deer is the largest species on the British Isles, with roe deer and fallow deer also prominent; the latter was introduced by the Normans.
There is a wealth of birdlife in Britain, 583 species in total, of which 258 breed on the island or remain during winter. Because of its mild winters for its latitude, Great Britain hosts important numbers of many wintering species, particularly ducks, geese and swans. Other well known bird species include the golden eagle, grey heron, kingfisher, pigeon, sparrow, pheasant, partridge, and various species of crow, finch, gull, auk, grouse, owl and falcon.
Various species of seal, whale and dolphin are found on or around British shores and coastlines.
As for the landscape of Russia it includes every kind of habitat found in the northern latitudes: among them are Arctic tundra; great, meandering rivers; vast, windswept plains; mountain ranges; cold, dark seas; and sprawling forests of conifers and birches. So Russia houses a great number of various animal species. We can name mammals of more than 300 species, birds of more than 700 species, amphibians of about 30 species and reptiles of 80 species. Along the coast of the Arctic Ocean live polar bear, walrus, and seal. The reindeer, lemming, arctic fox, hare, and ermine are among the most commonanimals inland. Birds are plentiful, especially such migratory waterfowl as ducks and geese.
The forests of Russia are the most extensive in the world. Animals include brown bears, wolves, elk, deer, lynxes, gluttons (animals similar to wolverines), foxes, sables, martens, badgers, and more than 200 species of birds.
In the north is a region, sometimes called the forest steppe. This region has been settled for centuries. There are a great number of burrowing animals - hamsters, jerboas, lemmings, moles, rabbits, rats, skunks, and, especially, ground squirrels. There are also many kinds of birds, including bitterns, and hawks.
It`s not a secret that (unfortunately) unmanaged commercial exploitation has driven some species of wild animals to the edge of extinction. In both countries there is the same problem - the extinction of some animals. For example, over the last 1,000 years several native animals have become extinct in Britain, mainly as aresult of human activities. 100 species have become extinct in the UK during the 20th century. Many more of wild animals could become extinct unless people take care. However, some species, such as the brown rat, red fox, and grey squirrel, are well adapted to urban areas. In the UK the consistent lack of extremes provides an excellent footing for wide varieties of animals.
And what about Russia? The problem is similar! Some native animals have become extinct in Russia, and some others are in danger. Among the currently endangered species are the Siberian (or Amur) tiger, Far Eastern (or Amur) leopard, snow leopard, green sturgeon, goral, Steller`s sea eagle, scaly-sided merganser, and Blakiston`s fish owl. Other notable animals whose habitats are a conservation priority in the country are the lynx, Asiatic black bear, brown bear, yellow-throated marten, snow sheep, and eight species of salmon (appendix 6).
As we can see, the problem is the same for both countries.
And now let us discuss British and
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