Задание 2. Переведите диалог на английский язык.
Слова для справок: занятие - activity, клуб - club, верховая езда - horse-riding, звучать - sound, совет - advice
Вы: Как ты думаешь, какое занятие ты выберешь?
Ваш друг: Я думаю, я выберу футбольный клуб.
Вы: Ты думаешь, это хорошая идея?
Ваш друг: Я уверен, что это классно.
Вы: Я не согласен. Я думаю, лучше выбрать клуб верховой езды.
Ваш друг: Звучит интересно.
Вы: По моему мнению, нам следует выбрать что-то новое.
Ваш друг: Да, ты прав. Я думаю, я буду заниматься верховой ездой за совет.
Abay (Ibrahim) Kunanbayev is a famous Kazakh poet, philosopher, composer, educator, thinker, public figure, founder of the Kazakh written literature and its first classic.
Abai Kunanbayev (29.07.1845 — 23.06.1904) was born in Chingis mountains of Semipalatinsk region. He received home education at the Mullah, then was sent to the madrasah. While studying in madrasah, he attended a Russian school in parallel. He was fluent in Arabic, Persian and other Oriental languages. He read in the original works of the classics of the East - Navoi, Firdousi, Nizami.
He believed that first and foremost education and science, are able to change the existing system. Abay's literary and aesthetic heritage is the national pride of the Kazakh people. The city, streets, theaters, libraries and other objects on the territory of Kazakhstan are named in honor of Abay. The Kazakh state academic Opera and ballet theatre, the Kazakh national pedagogical University in Almaty, the Central avenues of the cities of Kazakhstan, the peak in the spur of the ridge or Alatau are named after Abay. On the square of Abay in Almaty there is a monument to the great poet.