Тут конечно индивидуально, но я по себе напишу, можешь оставить так или поменять что-то под себя. I have one clock in the kitchen, one in the bedroom and one in the living room. You can find beds in the bedrooms. A computer is on the desk in the study room (или in the bedroom можно). A sink can be found in the kitchen. There is a dining table in the living room (или как у многих русских in the kitchen). The cooker is in the kitchen. Я так понимаю подразумевалась под той опечаткой cupboard? Тогда there are several cupboards in the kitchen. The basin can be found in the bathroom, as well as the bathtub. The fridge is in the kitchen. There are mirrors in almost every room in my house excluding the kitchen. I haven't got a bookcase. There are few shelves in my bedroom and my parents' bedroom. The windows are in every room apart from the bathroom.
Currently, it is difficult to imagine our life without smartphones. Smartphone, this device not only functions of the dialer, it has its own operating system, and in fact, it is a pocket computer. This is especially noticeable in our days, with the development of Android, phone 70-90% can replace the functionality of a desktop PC. The models above the budget level it is possible to connect external drives, keyboard and mouse and monitor or TV. The phone software is not limited only to toys and browser, there are already a number of programs to create and convert music and video, office applications, specialized professional, for example, for motor vehicles, telephone commotorola on wireless communication with special devices. Smartphones slowly hog more and more work PC and soon vetsnet traditional system units, not quite, but much will press.
1)We wrote a story yesterday.
2) I came home late last night.
3) Sergey sang at the concert.