Закончите предложения. Летом в Лондоне я очень тосковал по дому. Она устала после рабочего вечера. Другой Джек потерял Альберта на многолюдной улице. Я смотрел в глазок 10 минут. Вулкан проснулся 2016г. последний раз вчера день назад в
The future of our planet is vague. At the same there are many down-to-earth predictions, which seem to work. At the moment we live in the new era - the 21st century. Many centuries before people have lived in harmony with nature and its riches. Today, we are facing lots of global problems, which should be approached seriously. Otherwise, our planet can turn into an uninhabited space. Most of these problems are the result of technological progress and rapid scientific development. On the one hand, it’s good to have modern advances, such as newer computers, house robots, and office equipment. On the other hand, to launch and maintain all these machines, we need lots of natural resources. Besides, the growing number of plants is extremely harmful for the surrounding nature. As I see the future of our planet, we’ll have an over-polluted environment. That’s why we’ll have to spend most of the time locked in our flats and houses. These are my personal speculations, which might be right or wrong. I see lots of mighty skyscrapers in the future. They will be equipped with all the necessary facilities, for example, with grocery stores, kindergartens and schools, fitness centers and hairdressing saloons. They will remind a city of full value in one building. Speaking about transport, I think that with such technological progress we will soon have flying cars and taxis, which will pick up the passengers from their own flats. Moreover, I think that vehicles will be computerized and self-operated, which will leave the drivers unemployed. There will be lots of new professions in the future, for example, a telesurgeon, a robot counselor, a space tourist guide, a cloning regulator etc. It sounds bizarre, but this can be our nearest future, and we should think about it today.
MY DREAMS OF THE FUTURE When I was a child, my teachers and parents said to me, ‘people who have no dreams of the future will not fly far away’. Because of those inspiring words from my parents and teachers, I tried to make inspired by to be a chef.I am studying the simple cooks first and next started a complex type of cooking. I can improve my cooking skill by just trying to start cooking something small like fried rice ect. I want to study how to cook properly and hygiene management and try to apply itIn the future I want to be a famous chef as I can cook many delicious dishes for my family and my friends and they are very happy to eat my cooking. On the other hand, I would like to be a computer expert that can fix and repair computers like an expert. Also I would like to open up a computer service shop in the future. I like my dreams because now days technologies are getting tougher and later on only some people that can fix computer technologies in the future. That’s why I try to catch up to study the technologies now days so in the future I might help people who is in need of a computer expert. I will also try to stay on my studies now so I can still graduate on high school. I still don’t know which one I should choose to my future but I choose to be an computer expert still cause I like to break things up to see what’s in it cause I’m always curious what drives that thing to make it work for example the programs for a laptop. Sometimes when I open up a electronic , I can’t reassemble them again hahaha….. so I studied first from my cousin who opened up a computer shop in bogor. Sometimes I followed him to the shop so I can see what is in the computers disk are like , and I also like to help him to repair a CPU cause I’m curious remember. I try to fix it with my cousin watching my every step I’m doing , if I do something wrong he will ask me to stop and he will explain to me how to do it.I will try my best to do my dream job in the future, and if I fail or I have problems with my studies, I will keep on dreaming to overcome the problem and keep believing I will have a good life in the future.