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19.04.2021 08:04 •  Английский язык

A1. he the ball hard and this time into the back of the net. hitted, flew 3) hit, flowed hit, flew 4) was hitted, flied a2. if the spanish team to do so well, they the world cup. will continue, will be winning 3) continues, will be won continues, will win 4) is continued, will be winning a3. i don't think your the party. he looking at his watch. 1) enjoys, kept 3) was enjoying, had been kept 2) is enjoying, keeps 4) has been enjoying, is kept a4. the car a very curious noise ever since out of oil. is making, runs 3) was making, was running had been making, run 4) has been making, ran a5. he on that show many times before he its permanent host. has appeared, became 3) will appear, will become had appeared, became 4) appeared, has become a6. the largest cake in the usa in 1982 and thirty-seven tons -the weight of seven elephants. had been made, had weighed 3) made, was weighing was made, weighed 4) was made, was weighed a25. she's been charge children's activities the summer camp. 1) in, with, in 2) in, of, at 3) on, of, in 4) with, for, at a26. debbie won't be able to understand the speakers there is an interpreter. 1) if 2) in case 3) unless 4) as long as a27. remember to take a key with you you come home late. 1) in case 2) so that 3) despite 4) until определите тему, к которой относится данный ряд слов. а30. soap opera, quiz show, commercial, channel, cartoon 1) radio 2) television 3) newspaper из предложенных вариантов выберите слово, относящееся к за­данному ряду слов. a31. lecture, exam, credit, test, lesson 1) rehearsal 2) memorial 3) tutorial a32. определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме. 1) cream, rouge, powder, lotion, lipstick 2) hair-dryer, shampoo, soap, lightning, freezer 3) eye-brows, eye-lashes, cheek-bones, eye-lids прочитайте текст. выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. only a few people decide early in life what they want to do and then follow a prescribed (a33) of training to reach their (a34) . more often a young person (a35) the best job available, and that leads to a lifetime in a particular field. frequently an individual finds a job through a friend, relative or other helpful persons. in most professional fields, however, a university (a36) can always be the (a37) to a great job. a33. l)way 2) nature 3) attitude 4) approach a34. 1) progress 2) goal 3) project 4) finish a35. 1) takes 2) attends 3) receives 4) admits a36. 1) degree 2) award 3) prize 4) grade a37. 1) permission 2) admission 3) instruction 4) certificate выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложен­ной реплике-стимулу. а38. i feel worried and nervous. 1) take it to heart. 3) don't mention it. 2) are you? 4) do you?

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My cherished dream is to visit Great Britain someday. At our English lessons we often "travel" throughout this country. There are a lot of wonderful sights there. And I would like to see everything with my own eyes.

And if I had such opportunity , first of all I would go to London to walk along the streets and hear the English speech and, I hope , that I would understand, what the English are speaking about . And, of course, I would try to communicate with them in their native language.

Then I would go to the Buckingham palace to see the real Queen there. I am sure she is as kind as my grandmother! And, of course, I would admire the Changing of the Guard. One day I saw this wonderful show on TV!

After that I would visit the London Tower and feed the ravens. They say, if the ravens fly away, the Tower will ruin?! Is it true?!Returning home, I would buy souvenirs to all my relatives and friends. And as for me the trip to Great Britain would be the greatest gift!
4,7(27 оценок)

Present Perfect

have/has + v3/ed

Have - i, we

Has - he, she, it

v3 - третья форма неправильных глаголов (нужный глагол можешь вбить в интернет и  должны выйти три формы, если не выходит, значит глагол правильный и добавляешь -ed)

Yet - еще, already - уже, still - действие не закончено, в процессе. Это указатели времени. Ты сам можешь составить то, что тебе нужно (во втором задании нужно написать, что ты сделал в этом году, в или то что хотел бы сделать в жизни, пример, как в первом вопросе)

1. Прочесть список желаний Наоми. Написать предложения с тем, что она делала или не делала, используя указатели времени (слова маркеры: yet, already, still).

She has already parachuted over the desert. Она уже прыгала с парашютом через пустыню.

She hasnt seen Iguazu Falls. Она не видела (не была) на этом водопаде.

She still has tried surfing. Она все еще пытается серфить.

She has already sailed along the Costa del Sol. Она уже переплывала эту реку.

She hasnt climbed Kilimanjaro yet. Она еще не взбиралась на Килиманджаро.

She hasnt flown over the Amazon yet.  Она еще не переплывала р. Амазонку.

2. Подумай о том, что ты делал или не делал сегодня, в этом году и вообще в жизни. Напиши предложения о каждом периоде, используя Present Perfect и still/yet/already.

I havent been to Japan yet. Я еще не был в Японии.

I have already visited to the Caspian Sea. Я уже посетил Каспийское море.

I still have learned Chinese. Я все еще учу китайский.

I have already visited my grandmother's village. Я уже побывал в деревне у бабушки.

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