1: Mum! Can I go on the ghost train, please? Yes. If you want to. Take Sally with you. Oooh! Can I have some candy floss? Can we go on the dodgers again, please, Dad? Dad! I'm hungry. Can I have another burger, please? Мама! Можно мне пойти на поезд-призрак? Да. Если ты хочешь. Возьмите Салли с собой. Ох! Можно мне сахарную вату? А на "доджер" можно, папа? Папа! Я кушать хочу. Можно мне еще один гамбургер 2: Ben's Aunt Kate is going on holiday in France. Are you ready, Aunt Kate? Yes. I've got my case. I've got my passport. I've got my ticket. What's the matter, Dad? Its the car. I can't start it. Its getting late. I can phone for a taxi. Диалог-2: Бенина тетя Кейт собирается на отдых во Францию. Ты готова, тетя Кейт? Да. У меня собран чемодан. У меня есть паспорт. У меня есть билет. Что случилось, папа? Автомобиль. Я не могу завести его. Я опаздываю. Я вызову такси. 1) What's the name of Ben's aunt? - Kate 2) Where is she going for her holiday? France 3) What time does her train leave? не известно 4) What's the matter with the car? It doesn't start. 5) Who does Eddy phone? for a taxi
First text. I get along well with my parents, but sometimes we can't avoid conflicts, misunderstand each other and can't solve a problem. I have problems with Mom during cleaning, washing dished and etc. And I have a generation gap with my father. Every gap lives in its time and solves its problems. Children grow up, learning about other cultures and using other technologies. Our world changes everyday, but our parents' point of view often doesn't change at all, causing generation gap. We must discuss what goes wrong to settle matters and set up good relations.
Second text: It would be perfect to have no quarrels at all or to solve them quicker. The most effective ways to settle conflicts are compromise, meeting of minds, confidence and honesty. Sometimes it's better to admit your fault.
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