Ex. II. Составьте во из приведенных ниже слов. В скобках укажите тип во О – общий, А – альтернативный, Р- разделительный, С- специальный).
1. have/ country-house/ Tom/ does/ a large?
2. a brother/ do/ or/ you/ a sister/ have?
3. pleased/ ,aren`t/ everybody/ is/ they?
4. in/ how/ your/ many/ family/ are/ members/ there?
5. like/ you/ with/ to go/ me/ would?
6. like/ who/ friend/ does/ your?
7. what/ her/ like/does/ friend/ look?
8. your/ David/ isn`t/ friend?
But the computer spoils our health. He will not be able to convey emotions and feelings. People are very aggressive and irritable from the computer. The computer slows down the development of children. Reliance on computer.
Bottom line: you need to learn to properly use a computer. But it would be better if we were in school. Because computers do not replace people.