вот все ответы того урока
1 задание: beatiful, colorful будет синим
2 задание: awful будет синим, а happy, pleased морковным
3 задание: young - younger, the youngest
pretty - prettier, the prettiest
bad - worse the worst
4 задание: 1 - painted in oil by leanardo da vinci
2 - became one of the most important
3 - one of the best works of Ivan Shishkin
5 задание: 1 - the largest
2 - older
3 - brighter
4 - the most popular
5 - the best
6 задание: There is the most famous Abylkhan Kasteyev’s picture. There are two women making some traditional food in the foreground . There is big yurt on the left side. Near the yurt we can see a boy. There are high and very cold mountains in the background. 1) foreground. 2) on . 3) in.
7 задание: Art
8 задание: won the school competition. - Lena
asked questions about art. - Talgat
described Abylkhan Kasteyev’s painting. - Lena
9 задание: Lena is very famous artist who came to school to share experience. - False
Lena doesn’t have a favorite painter. - False
Lena didn’t visit museums in London. - True
planet Earth. At the moment we're in Britain.
Twelve my English a lot. The temperature is -5°C,
so we are on the beach! At the moment we're lunch. In this café, people see animals
and plants. They say this is 'meat' and 'salad.
It's horrible! Mrs Zob seeTV. Some people ?
a game with an egg. Very strange! We have
good time.