1. Some libraries were founded by kings and presidents. - Past Simple Passive
2.This book was published in 1890. - Past Simple
3.This work will be finished in March. - Future Simple
4.Your fax is being sent at the moment. - Present Continuous
5.This letter won't be sent until tomorrow. - Future Simple
6.All my friends are invited to this party. - Present Simple
7.All the reports at the UN are translated into Chinese. - Present Simple
8.When he came into the room, his letter was being read. - Past Continuous
9.We all hope that your lost dog will be found soon. - Future Simple
1)Anna hasn't gone skiing for months.
2)Have you ever driven a racing car?
3)First, Alison blew out the candles, and then they ate the cake.
4)Last week, Sarah fell off her horse and broke her leg.
5)Celia began playing tennis two years ago.
6)I haven't done my Geography homework yet.
7)Jim has never won a competition.