D. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1. While I__ (walk) home from school, I___(see) a man stealing a car. 2. Last week I__ (sell) my old car and bought a new one. 3. Peter (arrive) home just as I__ (wrap) his present. 4. I__ (wear) a Spiderman costume to the fancy dress party last Friday. 5. I__ (think) about Jason when suddenly I__ (see) him in the street. 6. David__(drive) along a narrow mountain road when an animals___(run) across the road. 7. I___ (study) in London at the time. 8.While Erica__ (have) a haircut, her sister___(read) magazines.
E. Complete the text with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
A GUIDED TOUR OF KERALA. Apart from being fascinating. India is such an enormous country that it is almost impossible for tourists to see all of it. So, when I (1)__ (decide) to travel there, my friend, Sunil Kumar, suggested that I go to Kerala, a state on the tropical coast of southwestern India. He (2)__ (offer) to be my tour guide because he (3)__(stay) in Kerala for a few weeks at the time. On my first day in Kerala we (4)___(go) to Cochin, a city with ancient churches and beautiful historical palaces. Our next stop was the capital of Kerala, Trivandrum. There, we (5)__(visit) a famous temple - the name of which I couldn't possibly pronounce - and then we (6)__(drive) to the Zoological Gardens. As we (7)__(walk) through the zoo, huge elephants (8)__(pass) by us and I watched them in fascination. Later, we went to a restaurant to have lunch. While we (9)__(walt) for our chicken masala and the sun (10)__(shine), suddenly it (11) __(start) to Rain. Sunil said this was very common in tropical parts of the world. We (12) __(spend) the next days visiting palaces and eating spicy food. I will never forget my trip to India and the breathtaking beauty of the country.
1. Did you came early after work?
When did you come?
Did you come early or late?
You came early, didn't you?
Who came early?
2. Did she take your notebook?
Why she took your notebook?
She took your notebook by mistake or on purpose?
She took your notebook, didn't she?
Who took your notebook?
Все остальные делаются более-менее так же, кроме седьмого.
7. Was it very warm yesterday?
When was it very warm?
Was it very warm or very cold yesterday?
It was very warm yesterday, wasn't it?
What was very warm yesterday?
(Насчёт самого последнего не уверен, но формируется вопрос так.)
Английский язык имеет 5 типов вопросов. Общий, специальный, альтернативный, разделительный и вопрос к подлежащему.