Games are framed in the Eton time table not just because boys enjoy them but they are very important.
Learning to win and lose,to lead and be led,to think as part of a team, is necessary for every boy there are all part of learning to be human.
Eton tries to give every boy the chance to learn through sport by playing and being taught the sport of his choice.
The is a wide choice of sports from the famous ones, like hockey or squash.
There are some games which can only be played at Eton, namely the Wall and Fied Games.
In all there are nearly 30 different games, all taught by Eton masters and professional coaches.
There m a school team for every boy who wants to play. Eton sportsmen always compete against the strongest school teams in the UK and over seas.
Верно будет так:
This year Becky and her family are (мн.ч.) staying (ing или ed в зависимости от контекста) in England