angry – angrier –the angriest brave – braver – the bravest bad – worse - the worst convenient – more convenient – the most convenient dry – drier – the driest dead – не образует степеней сравнения? (deader – the deadest) final – не образует степеней сравнения? good – better – the best heavy – heavier – the heaviest narrow – narrow/ more narrow – the narrowest / the most narrow (и так и так можно образовывать) perfect – more perfect – the most perfect persian – не образует степеней сравнения right (left) – не образует степеней сравнения square – more square – the most square important – more important – the most important white – whiter – the whitest yellow – не образует степеней сравнения? (yellower – the yellowest) unique - не образует степеней сравнения little – less – the least ОТНОСИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫЕ НЕ ИМЕЮТ СТЕПЕНЕЙ СРАВНЕНИЯ
2 They naively think can only get (good) (УТОЧНИТЕ предложение!) 3 This is (the most unbelievable) news i have ever heard. 4 He ate (fewer) French fries than you did at the picnic. 5 Angela is (less) organized than Mike. 6 My house is (bigger) than yours. 7 This flower is (more beautiful) than that one. 8 This is the (most interesting) book i have ever read. 9 John is (taller than) Glen.
My grandmother lives in Russian village Malininskaya. Every summer I got used to spent my summer vocations at her place. It is the nicest place for me. My grandmother is kind old woman. Her name is Tamara. She was born in Russia during the Second World War in 1942. My granny get married after the war to the greatest man, whom she still loves so much. They have been married with my grandpa Aleksandr for about 40 years. They are wonderful people. Now they are pensioners both. All her life she worked hard and now, she is still very industrious and tender-hearted. She is very good at cooking and fond of knitting. A grandma has not travelled a lot in the course of her life, and says that it is a great loss. Also, she told me that she is fully satisfied with her life. I love her very much. There are no people dearer than your relatives.
is sitting