В России к Новому Году надо подготовиться. Обычно люди покупают много еды и шампанского. Также они закупают питарды и фейрверки ведь в новый год без них не куда. Все в старом году ждут пока часы пробют 12. Тогда все люди загадывают желание и выпивают шампанское. В новый год не обайтись без блюд : селёдка под шубой утка оливье и другие блюда. Дети в новый год получают много подарков: игры приставки компютеры и многое другое.
In Russia, the New Year should be ready. Usually people buy a lot of food and champagne. They also buy pitardy and fireworks in the new year because without them no where. All of the old year, waiting until the clock probyut 12. Then all the people make a wish and drink champagne. The new year is not without obaytis dishes: herring under a fur coat Olivier duck and other dishes. Children in the new year get a lot of gifts: game consoles computers, and more.
1. How much is a plane ticket to London? 2. Our seats were not in the stalls, they were on the balcony. 3. Grace invited me to dinner. 4. She told me to come to her place at five. 5. Where are your seats? - They are in the circle, in Row Two. 6. Have you bought tickets to Australia yet? 7. Suddeny a beautiful young queen appeared on the stage. 8. Who is coming to the stage after Romeo? 9. Robert said to his cousin in that he had bought two tickets for «The Sound of Music» and wanted to invite me to the theatre. 10. This show is very popular with young people. It's difficult to buy tickets for it.
Will I be happy and healthy? Yes,you will / No,you won’t