-Hello, everybody! How are you doing? I’m Lana. What’s the weather like there in your place? In Russia we have snow and it’s very cold now.
-Hi, Lana! Here in America it’s not cold. But it’s cloudy and an unpleasant wind is blowing.
-Hi, everybody! And here in Brazil it’s very warm and sunny! Welcome to Brazil!
-Wow. Guys! In Alaska too, the sun is shining in the sky! It’s very nice today, and it is even a little bit warm!
-Well, Lana, I’m Akiro. Here in Japan the weather is amazing, but it has recently rained. As for me I like rain. What about you?
-Hello, Akiro. Sometimes I like to walk in rain. It depends.
-Hi! I don’t like rain. It has been raining here in the mountains since early morning. I don’t feel like going outside at all!
-Where are you from?
-Oh, I'm from Scotland. Rain, rain, go away! Come again some other day... :))
Моя подруга работает переводчиком, она переводит тексты. - My friend works as a translator, she translates texts. (Present Simple)
Она переводит этот текст уже давно, он очень сложен. - She has been translating this text for a long time, it is very difficult. (Present Perfect Continuous)
Мне придется перезвонить позже, она переводит текст. - I'll have to call back later, she is translating a text. (Present Continuous)
Она перевела этот текст, но ей надо подготовить еще один. - She has translated this text, but she needs to translate one more text. (Present Perfect)