Росите ребенка рассмотреть таблицу с рисунками и составить оппожения к каждому рисунку, например: «I have a kite. It's red and yellow» (У меня есть воздушный змей. Он красно-жёлтый).
1)youtelevision now? b) Are, watching 2) Miketo the swimming- pool every day. a)goes 3)youto the Zoo tomorrow? c)Will, go 4) Hush ! Kate. c)is sleeping 5) How many cakesyouin the shop yesterday? c)did, buy 6) Every day Billhis Mum about the house. a)helps 7) My Mumfor walk with my dog, but I do. b)doesn’t go 8) Phil usually__a)plays__chess with his friend, but now he__b)is playing__with his father. 9) The childrento school yesterday, because their teacher was ill. c)didn’t go 10) Look! Katea nice picture! a)is drawing 11)Samgot a pet, but he wants one very much. c)hasn’t 12)Petehungry yesterday, because he….dinner. c)was, didn’t have 13)Igo to school tomorrow, because it will be Sunday. c)won't 14)Imy parents very much. a)love 15)Nickfootball at the moment, so he cant answer the phone. b)is playing 16)Helento the park with her dog yesterday. b)went 17)mice eat cheese or bones? a)Do 18) My father often__ b)has__breakfast at 7 o’ clock, but I__a)have __breakfast at 8 o’ clock. 19) Last month the daysshort and the nightslong. a)were 20) Please,me this sweet. c)give 21) Last Saturday Iup very early, because Ito give a present to my Mum. c) got, wanted 22) Stevehis birthday next month. c) has
The third album "Power, Energy" didn't turn out very well, and on the third album of The Sweet Potatoes, "Roots" I don't even recommend wasting your time on. I wasn't all that impressed with that it includes many musical styles, ones like pop, hip-hop, rap and funk, so I didn't like it very much. On the CD there are eleven tracks, each one being more spooky then the previous. The famous single, "Don't leave", has its own catchy lyric, also, as the other musical bridges on the album. "Do it" will be an irritating melody in the club, and your ears will wither away. Miss this boring album! Without doubt, it's bound to be a huge flop!
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