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Сrossing the street, sunbathing on the beach is really difficult, hoping for the best, changing money, winning a match, favorite time of the year. В предложения просто по смыслу вставь слова
In the center of Kharkov heard the bells. Your eyes appear the Golden dome over the white towers. The Pokrovsky Cathedral. The Cathedral was erected in 1689 in honor of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. The architect is unknown. The master has embodied in stone artistic peculiarities of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples. Pokrovsky Sobor will last for many more years. Future generations will admire them as we, like many tourists, admiring the talent of the master Builder. We cherish the architectural monument. This is our history, our roots, our pride.
In the center of Kharkov heard the bells. Your eyes appear the Golden dome over the white towers. The Pokrovsky Cathedral. The Cathedral was erected in 1689 in honor of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. The architect is unknown. The master has embodied in stone artistic peculiarities of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples. Pokrovsky Sobor will last for many more years. Future generations will admire them as we, like many tourists, admiring the talent of the master Builder. We cherish the architectural monument. This is our history, our roots, our pride.
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