Cheap ,dangerous ,kind, lucky 2 can you change the first two words into adverbs? 3 is the pronunciation of kind like wind (noun) of find (verb)? 4 what prefix do you need to form the opposite of the last two words? 5 what suffix makes a noun from kind ?
Clock tower of Westminster Palace in London, also known as big Ben, the name of the bell on it, officially renamed the Elizabeth tower (The Elizabeth Tower in honour of Queen Elizabeth II. Reported by the Associated Press.
The official ceremony of awarding the tower of the new name was held on Wednesday, September 12. A sign with the new name of the tower was presented by the speaker of the House of Commons John bercow.
The proposal to rename big Ben appeared in the spring of 2012, shortly before the celebration of the 60th anniversary of Elizabeth II. on 2 June it became known that he spoke more than half of the deputies of the lower chamber of the British Parliament, and in late June the appropriate changes approved by the Committee of the House of Common